
Are you maximizing your social media potential?

Social media as a component of marketing is continuously growing its own significant heartbeat in the industry — so much so that many businesses nowadays make exclusive use of it for their advertising and promotional needs. Having great content on your site is the magnet that attracts visitors. However, when there is too much competition […]

Comparing the top business dashboards

A dashboard is a single display that provides all the information you need to make important business decisions and manage your company. While dashboards are generally helpful, you need to choose the one that works best for your company’s objectives and goals. Here are three types of business dashboards to consider. Strategic dashboards Ideal for […]

Here’s what to look for in apps or wearable tech

Are you overwhelmed by the many choices you have in getting the right technology to monitor your health? Do you download an app on your mobile to track your pulse rate? Or buy a wearable device that can tell you more about your health? While it’s best to leave the professional recommendations to your healthcare […]

Why The Sales-Marketing Divide Is Disappearing

New technology, like marketing automation, is opening doors to easily provide relevant content to customers at every stage in the buying process. However, in order to make full use of these tools, marketing and sales functions need to be in close communication.

At eIS Business Solutions, Inc., we can get you set up on the first step of this journey–sharing data and goals through the integrated Dynamics 365 platform.

Check out this article for tips on keeping these two functions working as a seamless team. And contact us today to find the right platform to integrate your sales and marketing.

Customer story: Mikaila Ulmer me and the bees

People are buzzing about young entrepreneur Mikaila Ulmer, who started her lemonade business, Me and the Bees, at only four years old. Customers loved her tasty product and resonated with her mission to save our fuzzy pollinating friends.

As Mikaila’s business began to take off, her family knew that to keep up with growth and to help her realize her dreams, they would need to take advantage of tech tools.

At eIS Business Solutions, Inc., we believe in the power of technology to level the playing field for small businesses with big dreams. Contact us today to learn how we can help you turn your dreams into reality.

How to keep your laptop from overheating

More employees are opting for laptops because they’re compact and easy to carry around. However, small frames mean less space for computer chips, transistors, RAM, hard drives, and other hardware components. This leads to overheating. Causes of overheating Laptops generate heat when in use. That’s why they have internal fans that blow out hot air […]

Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid becoming the next target of their ire and resentment — and perhaps become the presenter everyone actually enjoys — here are some tips on how […]

Top signs to know you’ve outgrown basic email marketing

Starting out, you decided to save costs with a simple email marketing strategy. Over time, you accumulated various add-on solutions to keep up with growing demand. Now you’re juggling multiple applications all centered around your “simple” email strategy. Sound familiar?

This is just one sign that your business has outgrown basic email marketing. As your business evolves, so must your tools!

At eIS Business Solutions, Inc., we’re excited to help your business take the next step towards a more holistic solution. Contact us to learn how we can help you integrate your sales and marketing strategies today!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Are your sales reps struggling through multiple programs to take a customer through the sales process? Nonintegrated platforms not only cost sales reps in productivity, but they also silo interaction data, which blocks potential insights.

Make the most of your data with marketing automation tools like Dynamics 365 for Marketing. Streamline your marketing process and unlock valuable customer insights.

At eIS Business Solutions, Inc., we want to help you get the most out of your data and reduce busywork for sales reps. Contact us to learn how Dynamics 365 can help align your sales and marketing efforts.

Why should you automate SMB marketing?

One of the biggest innovations in business and technology is marketing automation. Previously reserved for well-funded enterprises, marketing automation is now accessible to small businesses, thanks to affordable cloud solutions. Here are five profitable benefits to automating some of your most mundane marketing tasks. Instant responses to email requests If a customer or prospect sends […]