
Back up your data with these solutions

Today’s businesses rely heavily on data to run their day-to-day operations. They use it for everything from building client relationships to developing marketing strategies and so much more. But without data backups, businesses stand to suffer from major losses and even end up closing up for good should any natural or human-made disaster occur. With […]

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How to keep your data safe and secure

Data security and privacy should be every small business owner’s top priority in this day when cybercriminals are on the loose. The good news is you don’t have to be a tech genius to make it happen. Here are practical ways to shield your company from cyberattacks.  Cover your webcam If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, […]

Five Ways Big Data Can Help Your Business Succeed

Harvard Business Review shows 99% of businesses surveyed plan to implement big data analytics and AI, but only 30% have succeeded. With Microsoft Azure, eIS Business Solutions, Inc. accelerates the transition, enabling you to use Microsoft Power BI and Dynamics 365 to get the deep data insights you need to fuel growth.

Tweak your mindset to achieve success on the cloud

The cloud is not like some magic beans that’ll sprout sky-high stalks overnight and lead you to a castle full of riches. Don’t be misled by shiny words such as “increased productivity” and “collaboration” — your organization won’t realize these benefits unless everyone actually puts in the work to make the cloud work. If you want to use the cloud successfully, you might have to change your mind about a thing or two before you migrate to the cloud.

Why dashboards are vital to your business

People are visual creatures, which means we interpret visual data better than written words. That’s why most businesses turn to dashboards as a business intelligence tool to present data in a way that’s easy to understand. Dashboards have become a critical part of the analytics process. Here are some common uses of dashboards across various […]

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At eIS Business Solutions, Inc., we can help you take your organization into the 21st century with deep insights and game-changing services and capabilities.

Deliver a seamless, end-to-end service experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service. Built-in intelligence helps you resolve service issues before they occur, reduce operational costs and deliver positive onsite experiences.

From AI to analytics to the Internet of Things, grow your potential with the power of Microsoft. Subscribe now to learn more!

Reasons to consider online scheduling

Top-notch care is no longer the sole criterion patients have for choosing which healthcare facility to go to. They now also look for the convenience that online scheduling delivers. Even if the use of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices has already permeated society, many healthcare facilities have trouble keeping up with the times. But […]