
Weekly Dynamic: Professional Service Tools 1099 Modifer

One of the cooler tools in the now free Professional Services Tools Library is the 1099 Modifier. The common scenario is that a vendor was not properly setup as a 1099 vendor and now there are transactions no marked as 1099 transactions.

The 1099 Modifier tool allows you to fix this by updating vendor 1099 amounts after setting the vendor 1099 flag.

Don’t Train For a Sprint If You Want To Go the Long Haul

By Robert Smith of eIS Business Solutions, Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM Partner out of California

Success just doesn't happen overnight. It takes planning and determination to make it to the finish line. Short and long term goals are important to define for your business, but they don't do any good if you aren't monitoring your progress.

Ignoring the End of Tax Season? It’s Just Not an Option

If you can’t afford paying your taxes this year, you need to understand there are options. But not paying or ignoring the inevitable is just not an option…especially for small businesses.

Tax season causes many people to cringe at the thought of having to find the resources to write a check to the IRS. If you owe money this year, work with your tax advisor to find the best solution for managing the payment.

Allocation Options for Sales Order Processing in Dynamics GP

A client was recently reviewing their sales process with the goal of better managing the allocation and fulfillment of sales orders. One of the questions to came through to our office was "What can we do to keep inventory from becoming allocated as soon as a sales order is entered?
The starting point for the answer to this question is one of the Sales Document Setup windows.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Debits or Credits

When entering account transaction data in Dynamics GP, the system tries to be helpful and puts the cursor in the debit or credit column based on the debit/credit setting in account setup. This is great until you want to debit an account with a default credit balance and vice versa.