Did you know that in Dynamics 2010 you can email vendor remittances directly from Dynamics?

First set up the email options for purchasing documents, then set up these option on the vendors you wish to email remittances to.

Setting up e-mail options for purchasing documents
Use the Purchasing E-mail Setup window to mark which purchasing documents can be sent in e-mail and select a default message ID for those documents. You also can select an e-mail where vendors can send replies to and select options to change the reply to address and the message when you enter a purchasing document. The options you select in this window are available when you set up or modify e-mail options for vendor records.

To set up e-mail options for purchasing documents:

  1. Open the Company E-mail Setup window.
    (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> Company >> E-mail Settings)
  2. Click the Purchasing Series link to open the Purchasing E-mail Setup window.
  3. Mark the documents you want to send in e-mail. If a document is unmarked, it can’t be sent in e-mail.
  4. Enter or select the message ID you want to send for each document type you want to send in e-mail. A message ID isn’t required when sending documents in e-mail.
  5. Enter or select an address that a vendor can use to send a reply e-mail for the document type. The address you enter in this field is the default reply to address if you created a new message for the purchasing series.
  6. Mark to change the address used as a reply to address when entering a purchase order. If you mark this option, you can edit the message in the Purchasing E-mail Detail Entry window.
  7. Mark to change the e-mail message when entering the purchasing document. You can edit the message in the Purchasing E-mail Detail Entry window.
    If you don’t mark this option, you won’t be able to edit the subject and message body of the Purchasing E-mail Detail Entry window.
  8. Choose OK to save your changes or choose the Vendor Setup button to update multiple vendor records with e-mail options.
  9. Next, Setup the email options for the Vendors.

Reference material: The information above was taken from the Dynamics 2010 help manual. To access, open any window and click F1 while in Dynamics.

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