
Meet the Power Apps Champions

Businesses are looking for easier, cost-effective, efficient ways to develop custom apps. Microsoft Power Apps empowers employees to rise to this challenge. Meet these citizen developers from around the globe who utilize the low-code tools in Power Apps to transform their organizations. These Power Apps champions saved their companies time and money, maximized productivity, and solved business problems. See their stories here:

Microsoft 365 security pain points and how to solve them

Many businesses prefer Microsoft 365 not only because of its powerful features and cost-saving benefits, but also because of its world-class security. However, the cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving, so using this suite of cloud-based tools and services will always come with security challenges. Fortunately, Microsoft is continuously looking for ways to address these issues […]

Samit Saini’s Power Apps journey at Heathrow

Inspire employees to engage, imagine, and create with Microsoft Power Apps. Samit Saini was working security at Heathrow Airport when his manager introduced him to Power Apps. One week later, proof of concept in hand, Samit shared his first creation—an airport translation guide for frequently asked questions that ultimately saved 11,000 sheets of paper, 850 hours of time, and $460,000 in potential app costs. See how he did it:

Samit Saini’s Power Apps journey at Heathrow

Inspire employees to engage, imagine, and create with Microsoft Power Apps. Samit Saini was working security at Heathrow Airport when his manager introduced him to Power Apps. One week later, proof of concept in hand, Samit shared his first creation—an airport translation guide for frequently asked questions that ultimately saved 11,000 sheets of paper, 850 hours of time, and $460,000 in potential app costs. See how he did it:

Boost office productivity with technology

Technology can provide countless opportunities to streamline workflows, eliminate redundant processes, and reduce costs. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the competition, simple technology strategies like the ones below can dramatically enhance your business performance. Change office communication To increase teamwork and productivity, set up instant messaging software such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. […]

5 Tips to Get More Customers and Retain Them Too

Successful businesses offer support at all levels of the buyer’s journey, from awareness in the beginning to advocacy at the end. Knowing what buyers need at each stage allows you to create support and multiple opportunities for positive engagement. In his article, “5 Tips to Get More Customers and Retain Them Too,” Dhaval Sarvaiya discusses the five stages of awareness, consideration, decision, retention and advocacy. Read the article for pointers on how to support your customers at each stage in the journey!


Virtual assistants fill an essential role in your keeping your customers engaged 24/7. #Microsoft AI solutions to common customer and internal-facing issues are automatically within your reach, freeing up staff to focus on complex requests and high-value interactions.  Check out this infographic!

Get started with Power Apps – Learn

Explore Microsoft Power Apps basics and learn how you can drive efficiency in your organization. In this learning module, discover how you can use the different building blocks and technologies to create custom, professional applications that solve your business’s unique challenges. You can even start building your first app in minutes.