Laptop vs desktop: small business computers

Running a small business takes an intelligent, resourceful person. From day one you must make important decisions in all areas of business, from the marketing strategy chosen for a product to the brand of printer you will use to print out flyers. One of the biggest decisions you will make in the early stages of […]

Capabilities of Google WiFi

In today’s world, WiFi has become a necessity both at work and at home. People across the world use it to learn, work online, communicate through social media, stream videos, and more. But we all know that the internet can sometimes be uncooperative. And in an increasingly interconnected world, we need reliable tech resources that […]

Four tips to help you buy the right hardware

Among all the new-fangled gizmos and whatchamacallits that pop up daily, hard drives remain a vital component for all types of computers. It’s completely normal to get a new one every couple of years, but with the overwhelming amount of choices available, a simple purchase becomes a difficult ordeal. Because we don’t have a tech […]

Considerations when buying a new projector

Love them or hate them, projectors are the modern day soapbox. They give you the platform to present your case to a wider audience without compromising your content. Like most hardware purchases, however, they’re accompanied by a list of measurements and specifications you likely have little experience with. If you’re in the market for some […]

5 reasons why you should switch to HaaS

Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) is not a new concept, it’s an old wine in a new bottle. Similar to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), where you pay a monthly fee to a service provider in order to use a piece of software, HaaS lets you do the same and saves you from the nuisance of all the hardware upgrades, maintenance, […]

Choosing the right mouse for work

Have you been stuck using the same mouse for several years now? If you’re feeling a bit of pain in your mouse clicking hand, then it’s probably time to consider an upgrade. We don’t always pay attention to it, but a good mouse can make a big difference. The perfect mouse will let you work […]

Infuse life into your old laptop

It can be tough to see your laptop die. While you likely shared many good moments with it, undoubtedly, there will come a time when it’s ready to be retired to the back of the closet or disposed of. If you are lucky enough to still have yours hanging around the house or office, then […]

Questions you need to ask about your servers

When servers are working properly, you would never know they were there. When they are malfunctioning, servers become the scourge of the universe single-handedly bringing your business to a halt. In many ways, your servers are the heartbeat of your business. A strong one ensures good health while down servers are likely to leave your […]

The difference between HDD and SSD

The standard hard disk drive (HDD) has been the predominant storage device for desktop computers and laptops for a long time. But now, with the invention of solid state drive (SSD) technology, computer buyers and users now have access to the latest innovation that’s setting new trends in the storage market. So which one should […]

What to consider before you buy a new PC

With the holidays approaching, computers are likely to be among the season’s best-selling gifts. But there are so many different types of computers out there, each with varying specifications and capabilities – how do you find the best one for your needs? Whether you’re purchasing a computer for yourself, for your loved one, or for […]