Protect healthcare data from cybercriminals

Hospitals and other healthcare organizations rely on the integrity of their medical data. Unfortunately, healthcare systems — especially those that involve data entry software, prescription management systems, or electronic medical records — are often targeted by hackers. That’s why healthcare providers must do everything they can to protect highly sensitive medical data. From financial information […]

How to keep your data safe and secure

Data security and privacy should be every small business owner’s top priority in this day when cybercriminals are on the loose. The good news is you don’t have to be a tech genius to make it happen. Here are practical ways to shield your company from cyberattacks.  Cover your webcam If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, […]

Is your Office 365 environment secure?

Microsoft’s Office 365 is one of the most powerful business productivity tools today. This cloud-hosted suite lets users work anywhere and collaborate easily. Although it’s undoubtedly useful, Office 365 may present a few security challenges that businesses must address. Vulnerabilities in SharePoint Businesses typically use SharePoint Online and on-premises SharePoint sites to store sensitive data […]

How to protect yourself from cryptojacking

Hackers use cryptojacking to mine cryptocurrencies, and this process can cause PCs to run below optimal speeds.  If you have a relatively new computer but are experiencing performance problems after clicking a link or visiting a website, you might be a victim of cryptojacking. Here’s what to do. Hijacked hardware Instead of paying for computing […]

How to safeguard PHI

Hospital data breaches are emerging at an alarming rate and show no signs of slowing down in 2019. That’s because data fetches a hefty price on the black market, making hospitals prime targets for cybercriminals. The best way to defend against these threats is to arm your team with the following systems and protocols. Strict […]

Are your mobile devices protected?

Businesses have embraced mobile technology, as it allows for constant collaboration, which increases productivity. But as the number of mobile devices used in daily operations grows, so do the incidents of cybercrimes targeting smartphones and tablets. Protect your company mobile devices by following these steps. Ensure mobile OS is up-to-date The updates on Apple and […]

Outdated firmware: An overlooked threat

If most of your company’s computers are obsolete, they double or even triple your chances of experiencing a data breach. This emphasizes how dangerous it is to have outdated applications, operating systems, and even web browsers. Failing to update your firmware could expose your business to major security threats. What is firmware? Firmware is a […]

How to minimize risks after a data breach

Despite efforts to protect your data, some breaches are beyond your control. When an online company with your personal details gets hacked, you have no choice but to manage your risks on your own. These practical tips can help you reduce risks of identity theft and other threats. Determine what was breached Whether its names, […]

How to defend against insider threats

First off, what is an insider threat in healthcare? An insider threat is an individual inside an organization discovered to have been accessing healthcare records without authorization. Healthcare companies must take steps to reduce the potential for insider threats, which is their top source of security incidents. #1 Educate – The workforce (meaning all healthcare […]

Are hackers using your PC to mine Bitcoin?

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking. Hijacked hardware Cryptojacking secretly uses your computer to calculate complex mathematical […]